But, google finally gave me the answer.

As you may or may not know, I have been working on getting my Mac to act as a web server locally. I just want to be able to test out stuff before I upload it to go live. well… I have been having an issue that I was unable to browse the home directory on the mac. I found this very good site:


that provided me the answer. It was to the point I was ready to start hacking up my .htaccess file.

Do this:

cd /private/etc/apache2/users
sudo cp Guest.conf me.conf
sudo ed me.conf
ed> s/Guest/me
ed> w
ed> q

and it works :)

I have to thank William Woody for figuring out how to do this in Mac OS X 10.5. I even tried editing my httpd.conf file and then got a 500 error page. 
Which I am not sure where those are kept yet either. This is kinda starting to suck. 

Well.. That is about all I got for right now... I am still waiting for UPS. Windows 7 here I come.

