
The included superdrive in the Power Mac G5 was able to use and install using the DVD-DL 🙂 so… no video’s created using the screen capture website. I will have to find a use for that in the future.

Tomorrow we will install the 2gig’s of RAM I have for it.  That will bring the total up to three gig’s 🙂 It has BlueTooth and an AirPort Card. So, I am totally going to have to play with that this weekend… I took the side off of the Mac and it is super easy to install extra ram. There will be a “photo shoot” tomorrow posted of the process. Ever since the old Power Mac 7200’s Apple cases have been great to work with. Now, Mac Books and iMac’s I have no experience in, so I don’t know what they are like. Please post a comment if you have ever taken one apart.

Well, I am still not feeling 100% so, I am headed to bed. There will be a YouTube post tomorrow too, I hope.

Good Night,
